Where Soldiers Sleep, The Heritage Arts Company, Landguard Fort, Felixstowe, until July 26Heritage Arts Company is a new enterprise, set up to bring our heritage to life.

Where Soldiers Sleep, The Heritage Arts Company, Landguard Fort, Felixstowe, until July 26

Heritage Arts Company is a new enterprise, set up to bring our heritage to life.

Where Soldiers Sleep is a site-specific play that combines three real ghost tales and lights up the Landguard like a beacon.

As the show opens, the old courtyard rattles and pings to the building's song and story, but before we can grasp at the meaning, the air raid sounds and we rush for cover, diving down into the maze of white washed tunnels that thread the fort.

It's apparent that each room holds a secret. A whisper of infidelity here, a rumour of betrayal there: snippets of conversation tempt us onwards as we puzzle out the hidden past of our surroundings.

This is fast paced and exciting drama, that makes you a part of the action. The old military defences get a real theatrical makeover, giant rooms are shrunk to the light of a single candle; horizontal walls are magically scaled; and darkened caverns glow with Hitchcock style images of psychological tension.

And as you walk from candle lit interior towards the leaping flares under the stars, there's always a sense that the ghosts are there beside you.

A dynamite little show with a touch of horror thrill, which will leave a strong image in the mind and a tingle in the spine.

Eve Stebbing.