Pupils at Elmswell Primary School are busy digging out their Christmas hats to fundraise for Brain Tumour Research, in memory of the little brother of one of their classmates.

Harry Crick, who lived in the village, died at the age of two in October 2021, after being diagnosed with a rare form of brain cancer 10 months before.

%image(15112930, type="article-full", alt="Toddler Harry Crick died in October this year after being diagnosed with a rare brain tumour")

James Crick, Harry's big brother who attends Elmswell Primary, will be proudly taking part in the 'Wear a Christmas Hat Day' on the last day of term - Friday, December 17.

His mother Nelly Crick said: "We are so grateful to Elmswell Primary School for signing up to do Wear a Christmas Hat Day and I know James is really excited to be taking part.

%image(15112931, type="article-full", alt="The 300 children at Elmswell Primary School are ready to "go for it" for Wear a Christmas Hat Day")

"The school has been such a great support to James since losing Harry. He misses Harry a lot and struggles with his grief but his teachers have been brilliant.

"Harry's dad and I are in the process of organising a fundraising ball, which will take place in 2022 and James is keen to get involved in raising money in Harry's memory too."

%image(15112932, type="article-full", alt="Freddie Robertson and James Crick will be taking part in the Wear a Christmas Hat Day at Elmswell Primary School fundraising for Brain Tumour Research. James' brother Harry died ten months after being diagnosed with a brain tumour.")

Nelly added: "By taking part in Wear a Christmas Hat Day, he is able to remember Harry, alongside his friends, in a fun and light-hearted way but all for a very serious cause.

"We're really touched that the school is involved, it means a lot to us."

Jane Ash, headteacher at Elmswell Primary School, said 300 children at the school will be getting involved by making or wearing a hat and maybe a Christmas Jumper too.

She said: "We're doing it in support of parents of our school and we're really going to go for it.

"It is up to them but we've asked for a donation for this worthy cause so will hopefully raise money for Brain Tumour Research whilst celebrating our last day of term.

%image(15112933, type="article-full", alt="Children at Elmswell Primary School will be taking part in the Brain Tumour Research Wear a Christmas Hat Day on Friday, December 17")

"I think most people in our school community will absolutely understand why we're doing and support it."

Brain tumours kill more children and adults under the age of 40 than any other cancer, yet historically just 1% of the national spend on cancer research has been allocated to research in this area.

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Charlie Allsebrook, community development manager for Brain Tumour Research, said: "Harry was a special boy who touched the hearts of all who were fortunate enough to know him.

"Harry's story is a stark reminder that brain tumours are indiscriminate and can affect anyone at any age and at any time."

You can make a donation to Brain Tumour Research on their website - braintumourresearch.org.

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