Officials from Babergh and Mid Suffolk councils have asked the Electoral Commission to help with a full investigation into last week's election mistakes.

The publication of lists of election candidates for elections in the two districts was delayed and then marred by mistakes in two Mid Suffolk wards.

One candidate's name was left off altogether - leading to the Green Party believing they had had a councillor elected unopposed - and in another there was confusion about whether a retiring councillor was seeking re-election.

Later it emerged there were more problems in the lists of candidates for parish and town council elections.

The Green Party, which leads the opposition group at Mid Suffolk, remained concerned and called for a full investigation of how the problems arose in the first place.

Now the council has said that it will hold a full investigation into the errors with the Electoral Commission.

A spokesman for Babergh and Mid Suffolk District Councils said: “We are sorry that there were two errors in the list of candidates nominated for the Mid Suffolk District Council elections.

"These were corrected within hours, however further errors were also subsequently identified in the list of parish and town council nominations.

“We have liaised throughout with the Electoral Commission, and they are satisfied with the actions we have taken.

“Following the election the Returning Officer will be conducting a thorough investigation, in conjunction with the Electoral Commission, to establish the cause of these problems, which appear to be a combination of human error and software issues."

The Mid Suffolk Green Party remains concerned. Group leader Andy Mellen said: “It is vital that the public have complete confidence in the political process at all levels, and that includes town and parish councils.

"We are working to restore that trust, and welcome that Council staff are striving to rectify errors and re-publish the nomination lists as soon as possible.”